Adopted 1991; Last Amended in 2012
- The maximum number of players
on a team roster shall be determined by the Board of Directors at the
start of the league season.
- The final player roster for
each team shall be submitted to the Statistician no later than a date to
be set by the Board of Directors at the start of the league season.
Players may be added or deleted before the cut-off date at the discretion
of the individual team.
- Players who leave one team to
play for another before the roster cut-off date will have their individual
player statistics carried with them.
- Players may only be added to
the roster after the cut-off date by making formal application to, and
receiving approval from, the Board of Directors at any league meeting.
- The scoresheets approved by the
league shall be used to record the results of games played each week.
- Scoresheets should be completed
in duplicate, with the original forwarded to the league Statistician, and
the copy retained by the team for their own records.
- It will be deemed appropriate
to fax the scoresheet to the Statistician without having to mail the
original. However, the original scoresheets will be used to settle any
dispute that may arise from any night of play, and so should be kept by
the team, or handed in to the Statistician at the next league meeting.
- Scoresheets are in two
sections; the top four players play for one point per game, while the
bottom four players play for two points per game.
- Names entered on the scoresheet
are to be printed clearly, using full first names and surnames.
- Mark a "W" for a win
and an "L" for a loss in the appropriate box corresponding to
the game played.
- Points are totaled for each
round, with the final total of all four rounds indicated at the bottom of
the scoresheet.
- Scores should be verified and
scoresheets signed by a representative of each team at the end of play
each night, both at home and on the road.
- The combined total score from
the home team and the away team is the team's overall score for that night
of play.
- Each club shall have two sides
to their team - one to host (home team) and one to visit (road team).
- A full team shall consist of
sixteen players, eight to each side.
- Players may interchange between
sides of their respective club, except on the same night of play.
- League play is scheduled for a
7:30pm start.
- A grace period of not longer
than fifteen minutes may be requested by a representative of either team
to ensure that all players are in attendance prior to commencement. The
granting of the grace period is a courtesy, not a necessity.
- The order of play shall follow
rotation (round robin) within each of the one-point and two-point
- Each player in the one-point
section will play each player on the opposing team's one-point section one
game. The same applies for the two-point section. This applies regardless
of full or partial teams.
- No forfeits are given for teams
playing short as there is no minimum number of players required. If there
are only three players in attendance, then the team plays five players
- Teams have until the end of the
first round for players to appear to fill their score sheet, or else all
games for no-shows will be forfeited to the opposing team. Other
arrangements may be made with the agreement of both team captains.
- Where a team is short one or
more players, the team shall forfeit four points per 1-point player short
and eight points per 2-point player short. Each player on the opposing
team shall receive a bye and be credited with a win as those games come
- If a team is playing short,
player shortages must be taken from the 1-point section first. Only if the
team is short five players can players be taken from the 2-point section.
- If a team has a 2-point player
who is late in arriving for play, then a 1-point player should be held back
until nearing the end of the first round. If by then it is determined that
the 2-pointer will be a no-show, the 1-point player can be dropped into
the 2-point slot. By doing so, the team will only lose four points for the
shortage of a 1-point player. However, if all the 1-point games have been
played, then the 2-point slot must remain empty and the team will lose
eight points for the loss of those four games.
- Where both teams are short
players, the captain of each team will designate one player, who is on the
score sheet that night, to play off for the team points only. These extra
games will not be credited to the player's individual statistics.
- Players who wish to play out
all or some of their games must ask and receive permission from the
opposing team to do so. This practice is occasionally necessary due to
work scheduling or other committments, and is generally allowed,
especially if it keeps a team from having to play short. However, it
should be noted that teams allowing players to play out their games do so
out of courtesy, not necessity.
- Players can only play in one
pool league on league night, including regular season and playoffs. If a
player is not in the club to play his games for this reason when his name
is called to play, the player will lose that game and any of his
subsequent games yet to be played on that night.
- The rules adopted for league
play should be available to either team on any night of league play.
- If there arises a question
about any rule, then a representative from each team should be called to
make a judgement or interpretation on the question. If the teams cannot
agree, then a member of the Executive should be contacted for
- Collecting dues is the
responsibility of the individual teams. League dues shall be deposited or
transferred from each individual team to the league bank account at
intervals set by the Board of Directors at the start of the league season.
- The league winners are
determined to be the team with the best overall win/loss record at the end
of regular season play. Teams are awarded two points for a win, one point
for a tie, and no points for a loss. The team with the highest win/loss
point total wins the league. If a tie occurs, it is broken thus - first by
win/loss record; second by most team points; and third by head-to-head
- Playoffs are a two-night
total-point affair and can possibly end in a tie at the end of the second
night of play. Should this occur, then an extra overtime round will be
played. The teams will replay the first round of the second night with the
same team breaking as had broke in the first round. If after both the home
and road teams have completed the first round of overtime the two teams
are still tied, then a second overtime round will be played, and so on
until a winner is determined.
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